About us


Reliable. Efficient. Sustainable.
We create solutions for the digital challenges you face

Our mission: Future-oriented IT solutions that offer real added value and advancement. We support our clients with our technological expertise and experience in practice gained over more than a decade so that they can master the digital challenges, to grow accordingly and to make substantial progress. Solutions matched exactly to the specific needs of your company, on a sound basis, highly effective and future-oriented.



As an owner-managed Full-Service company, we unite extensive know-how, from network level to application, with customer-oriented services in the fields of operations, software development and DevOps. We rely on multidisciplinary teamwork and close collaboration with our clients.

Passion and expertise for advanced solutions

We are so excited about new challenges and we tackle these with a passion, with technological expertise and all-round vision. Sophisticated solutions using the latest, cutting-edge technologies are utilized with total precision. Right from the beginning, we provide secure, highly efficient designs customized to intuitive usability.

Independent provider

We are independent of suppliers and therefore all doors are open to us in the design of specific solutions. We are thus able to make full use of the whole range of technological possibilities, in order to offer our customers solutions matched precisely to their needs. Precise, customized to requirements and across all platforms.

For open-ended consultancy and planning throughout your processes, with maximum flexibility without vendor lock-in.

Open Source

Digital transformation is not a contest. From our point of view, the exchange of know-how and transparency are decisive factors in advancement and successful growth.

We therefore rely specifically on high-quality Open-Source technologies and take active part in their further development. In this way we are able to make full use of our expertise and experience to promote technological progression.


The IT sector is moving forward at an enormous rate of speed. For this reason, it is our first priority to always stay up-to-date.

With our profound wealth of experience and our unquenchable thirst for knowledge, we combine proven methods with the latest technology with target-oriented application.


We consider the decisive factors for the success of a project as direct exchange, a solid basis of trust and effective working together.

For this reason we place great value on dialogue with our clients as well as the in-house team, on transparent communication at eye-level, from the initial planning phase, throughout implementation and ongoing to successful completion and beyond.


Our claim: The provision of quality solutions that advance the business of our clients; secure, fast and precise.

We rely on an agile work method whereby customer wishes are always taken into account, and which enables a focus on bringing about top-quality, time-efficient solutions. We remain flexible and can react effectively to situation changes during the implementation of projects.

New Work

For our clients we create digital solutions that network your teams and enable efficient, flexible work, regardless of when and where.

Not only do we support our customers in the technical implementation of new work concepts, but we also manage our internal work routines according to the same principles. For brilliant teamwork, where everyone is able to make the most of their full potential.

Our out-of-the-box thinkers and innovators

Teamwork is the main point when we are talking about putting demanding projects into practice. For this reason and with our passion for technology we work every day, to bring about digital advancement.


Daniel Nachtrub

"The effective and efficient use of technology requires extensive experience and in-depth knowledge. The ever-increasing pace of technological development presents a continuous challenge and always inspires me to explore new avenues. In this environment, I am able to live my unwavering passion for technology to the fullest. There's nothing I like better than using my expertise to benefit our customers and passing it on to our employees."


Sebastian Augustin

"If our customers and employees are happy, I'm happy. It is therefore very important to me to speak honestly and authentically about what is possible and what is not. After all, we want to ensure sustainable solutions for our customers and long-term job security for our employees, not build castles in the air."


Tanja Trieb​

"Down-to-earth companies in which employees are valued and allowed to be themselves are rarely found.
I am happy that I have found my way to Nuvotex and can support the company in its growth.
I enjoy infecting future colleagues with my enthusiasm and being there for the team.
Management assistance

Monika Wiegand

"I think Nuvotex is mega! As part of the team, I have to say something like that...
Not true! 😉 Here, everyone is allowed to express their own opinion and contribute their individual talents - and that's what we do.
This is just one of the many things that make sure I go to work (or to my desk in my home office) feeling good every day
I can and am allowed to achieve so much with my own ideas and continue to develop.
And that's why I think Nuvotex really nice!

Trainer System Administration

Sebastian Reichhold

At Nuvotex, the WE feeling takes center stage. Whether you are a new apprentice or a Nuvotex veteran, we are a team and you can tell - in our day-to-day work in the office, in exciting customer projects or at regular team events.
Our tasks are always varied, so no two weeks are the same and it never gets boring.
As a system administrator/project manager at Nuvotex for many years, I still enjoy being part of this company every day.
Teamlead Software Engineering

Thomas Eibel

"Hey, I'm Thomas and I run the software development department here at Nuvotex. I've been working in software development for over 10 years now, and I've had the chance to get to know quite a few companies and projects. Of course, you also develop yourself during this time. What has remained, however, is the desire to develop software that helps others and creates significant added value. This thought is the basis for everything we do here at Nuvotex and what we live every day at work. That's why I'm excited to work here and look forward to continuing to develop good software."

Fachinformatiker Systemintegration & Ausbilder

Christian Gattuso

"Hi, I'm one of the Chris'es from Nuvotex 😊
In addition to everyday tasks, such as solving customers' problems, I also act as a trainer for our trainees. Thanks to my ambition to master difficult tasks, I enjoy constantly learning and facing new challenges. These two mottos are my companions through (professional) life:
"Make the best of every situation" and "Just do it!"
System Administrator (Trainee)

Levin Ennsmann

"Even though I haven't worked at Nuvotex for long, I feel like an important building block of the company.
With my rather limited professional experience, I haven't seen as much as others, but enough to realize how valuable the working atmosphere is here. Getting up in the morning and looking forward to work and your colleagues full of motivation is a privilege that not many people get to enjoy. I didn't know that myself before. Now I can only consider myself lucky to have found my way here via many detours. Looking to the future with full optimism is easy here."
Teamleiter Systemadministration

Matthias Lang

Ich freue mich, mich als Matthias vorzustellen, einer der Mitarbeiter, die von Anfang an dabei waren. Es erfüllt uns mit Stolz zu sehen, dass wir unsere Kunden aus den Anfängen bis heute betreuen und auf eine langjährige Geschäftsbeziehung zurückblicken können. Unsere Herangehensweise, nicht nur den SOLL-Zustand wiederherzustellen, sondern auch die Ursachen von Fehlern anzugehen, wird von unseren Kunden sehr geschätzt. Im Laufe der Jahre sind nicht nur wir gewachsen, sondern auch unsere Kundschaft hat sich erweitert. Dabei haben wir bewiesen, dass wir nachhaltige und mitwachsende Lösungen schaffen können. Es ist eine Freude zu sehen, wie wir gemeinsam mit unseren Kunden über die Jahre hinweg erfolgreich sind und weiterhin zusammenwachsen.

Fachinformatiker Systemintegration & Ausbilder

Felix Vötter


Nuvotex GmbH

Südtiroler Strasse 13 1/2
86165 Augsburg

+49 821 999 555

© Copyright Nuvotex GmbH 2024