

What is Kubernetes?

Kubernetes is a portable, extendible Open-Source platform for the administration of containerised work procedure and services. It enables a declarative configuration and automatization with an extensive, rapidly growing eco-system. Kubernetes services, support and tools are available.

Our service offer

On the grounds of our extensive knowledge and skills in the IT field, we are not only in a position to advise our clients on the technological systems best suited to their needs, but we also manage the implementation and reliable functioning of the infrastructure throughout its performance. Constant monitoring and automated process enable us to prevent errors and malfunctions long before these occur.

Kubernetes is the product of choice for all demands on high level availability and the scaling of resources or performance of diverse workloads. Kubernetes as a Managed Service - hosted in a Public Cloud, as On-Premise solution in a local computing centre or as a service of Nuvotex: We know which option is most suitable to your requirements.

Nuvotex GmbH

Südtiroler Strasse 13 1/2
86165 Augsburg

+49 821 999 555

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