

IT solutions with real added value

Our passion: the setting up of efficient, secure workplace solutions for SMEs. Every business undertaking benefits from a top-performance IT strategy – regardless of its size or the branch it is in.

We support you with reliable, digital work environments to meet the challenges of modern working life. From the development of precisely customized solutions and the perfectioning of existing IT infrastructures through to professional IT support


throughout the whole of the life cycle. On site as On-Premises solution, in the Cloud or hybrid.

Als unabhängiger Technologie-Experte sind wir Ihr Ansprechpartner in allen technischen Fragen. Ohne Herstellerbindung und plattformunabhängig: Für eine zukunftsfähige IT-Infrastruktur, die genau zu Ihren Anforderungen passt.

Consultancy, implementation and support from one source

We stand for completely integrated IT systems – reliable and Secure by Design. Moreover, we offer you a broad portfolio of services and our extensive expertise: for the ideal application of the latest technology.

Digital Processes

Keep track of the situation, simplify and improve your company processes. We are at your side as you move forward to the digital future by means of our support in the digitalisation of your processes.

With the aim of creating easier and sustainable daily work routines for the long term we implement digital working environments for your team. In direct exchange we design the perfect IT solutions for your applications.
Im direkten Austausch konzipieren wir die richtige IT-Lösung für Ihren Einsatz.


Our focus lies on the protection of your know-how since the demands on the security of data are greater than ever. For this reason, we plan and implement IT infrastructures in conformity with the highest levels of security, including in respect of your cyber insurance.

Custom design without additional software, so that your IT environment still retains user-friendliness coupled with maximum security.


In order to guarantee the efficiency and reliability of IT environments, we provide our clients with professionally hosted Private-Cloud environments. We rely on high-performance servers in georedundant computing centres as the basis for stable IT infrastructure.

Of course, all matched exactly to your requirements so that you only pay for what you really need.


We keep your back free and take over the administration of your company IT. In doing so we give particular attention to the reliability and security of your system.

As first point of contact in all technical queries we place our know-how at the disposal of our clients on a daily basis.


Unexpected things often happen. We therefore secure our clients’ digital system landscapes by means of intelligent monitoring. This enables us to discover potential sources of error even before malfunctions occur.

In order to recognise anomalies in good time, we monitor your IT environment around the clock. So, in the case of emergency, we can react quickly and troubleshoot before you have even noticed.


As Full-Service Partner we have what it takes to provide our clients with everything necessary for the setup of the IT environment, from hardware and network technology to appropriate software solutions.

Our experience over many years means that we know exactly the technical demands such that we ensure that our clients buy only the materials that they really need for implementation.

We bring you up-to-date

Communication is the key to success. Not only communication within your team but also, of course, with your customers. We select the technology and the products according to individual criteria, so that your IT is the foundation for smooth business procedure. Flexible, stable and secure.

What our customers say about us:


Bulex Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH

"Our law firm has grown rapidly and our previous IT service provider reached its limits at some point. In 2019, we had the vision of working completely digitally internally and working with extremely sensitive client data, data security is very important to us.

We presented Nuvotex with our requirements and they started the project with us directly on the basis of our existing hardware and software components. We received training and had a contact person right from the start who guaranteed us a fast and efficient solution at all times.

There is a personal and trusting relationship in which we can grow together and overcome challenges. The Nuvotex employees are familiar with our infrastructure, know what we need and respond quickly to incidents. We are completely convinced of the cooperation with Nuvotex and can recommend them with a clear conscience!"

Auch bei Problemen mit unserer eigens entwickelten Kommunikationsplattform, können wir uns auf unseren neuen IT-Partner verlassen.
Ganz besonders zu schätzen, wissen wir, dass Nuvotex nicht nur reagiert, sondern auch von selbst an uns herantritt, wenn es eine neue Lösung gibt, die uns das tägliche Arbeiten in der Kanzlei erleichtert.

Es herrscht ein persönliches und vertrauensvolles Verhältnis, in dem man gemeinsam wachsen und Herausforderungen meistern kann.
Die Mitarbeiter von Nuvotex kennen sich aus mit unserer Infrastruktur, wissen was wir brauchen und reagieren schnell auf Zwischenfälle. Wir sind einfach voll überzeugt von der Zusammenarbeit mit Nuvotex und können mit bestem Gewissen empfehlen!“

Frank Burkard (CEO) and Patrick Plückthun (Authorized Signatory)

Intertec Components

"We have been on the market as an independent distributor for relays since 1993 and now also have electromagnets, actuators and semiconductors in our range.

At some point, we simply had too many employees to be able to map the IT completely in-house. We were also about to introduce a new merchandise management system.

With Nuvotex, we have found a partner with whom we can continue to grow and embark on a forward-looking development together. Since then, we have taken a much more relaxed approach to IT because we know that someone is there to take care of it - even at weekends if necessary. And because it just works, we can work much more professionally."

"It's so easy to involve Nuvotex spontaneously in communication with other partners. The employees tackle problems proactively and we don't have to chase after them. You can tell that they simply enjoy finding a solution!" - Anna Maisch (Process Management)

"Would we recommend Nuvotex to others? I don't need to think about it for long: a very clear YES for anyone who wants to work professionally and not have any trouble with their IT. Definitely!" - Florian Käsbauer (Chief Sales Officer)

"In a flattering way, they are nerds who love to solve problems and that is what characterizes a service provider in this industry." - Jonas Krenkel (Sales Manager)

Nuvotex GmbH

Südtiroler Strasse 13 1/2
86165 Augsburg

+49 821 999 555

© Copyright Nuvotex GmbH 2024